fonsim.core package


fonsim.core.component module

Class Component

2020, July 21

class fonsim.core.component.Component(label)[source]

Bases: object

Components to build a system with

This base class provides a starting ground to build components usable in a FONSim system. Several examples are found in the FONSim standard library (see the fonsim.components package). Also, be sure to check out the tutorial on custom components.

Interaction with other components The component terminals (instances of Terminal) specify the possibilities for interaction with other components. They are added using the method Component.set_terminals(). Example of adding two fluidic terminals with labels ‘a’ and ‘b’:

self.set_terminals(Terminal('a', terminal_fluidic, {'pressure': 'p0', 'massflow': 'mf0'}),
                   Terminal('b', terminal_fluidic, {'pressure': 'p1', 'massflow': 'mf1'}))

The list terminal_fluidic contains two Variable instances, one for pressure and one for massflow. It is defined in components/ If the and Component.auto_state() methods are used to define methods Component.evaluate() and Component.update_state(), then the variable labels ‘p0’, ‘mf0’ etc. will be used further on (for an example, please see the tutorial linked to earlier on). The lists of terminals and of the terminal variables are respectively kept in the member variables terminals and arguments.

States State variables are added using the Component.set_states() method. These variables are considered to be local because they are not accessible to other components. Example of adding a single state with label ‘mass’:

self.set_states(Variable('mass', 'local', label='m', initial_value=5e-3))

The state variables are subsequently available as a list in the member variable states.

Internal behavior The two methods Component.evaluate() and Component.update_state() govern the internal behaviour. The former specifies a relation between the terminal and state variables that should be respected at each discrete timestep and the latter expresses how the state variables change over a timestep given a previous state and the terminal variables.

There are two ways to define these methods. By far the easiest is to use the and Component.auto_state() methods, as a method or as a decorator, because this allows to refer to the terminal and state variables by their label. The documentation of these two methods discusses how to do so. This is also the approach discussed in the custom component tutorial mentioned earlier.

The second way is to conform to form of the Component.evaluate() Component.update_state() methods. This requires variables to be referred to by their index in the passed arrays, making this method prone to errors if done manually. Knowing the indices to use requires either searching the terminal variables in the member variable arguments or putting the variables in that member variable in a particular order, preferably using Component.set_arguments(). Note that Component.set_terminals() modifies arguments.

Storage of the state and terminal variable values The state data (e.g. amount of fluid inside actuator) is saved as 2D-array in the components themselves (and the solver always refers to these) while the argument data (e.g. pressure, flow in/out) is saved as a list of _references_ to nameless 1D-arrays created by the solver. The component object provides functionality for the solver to allocate memory for the states, but not for allocating the variables. The solver takes care of calling these functions necessary. The object property state_history holds the 2D-array and object property argument_history holds a list with references to the 1D-arrays.


label – Component name.


Wrapper for Component.evaluate Wrapper that converts a function taking as arguments terminal and state variable labels to a function taking arrays and conforming to the Component.evaluate() signature. Often used as a decorator.

If the given function func returns a Numpy array and a list, then it is assumed that the former is the array of residuals and the latter the component jacobian. Else, if it returns one Numpy array, it is assumed that that is the array of residuals, and FONSim will automatically estimate the jacobian using finite differences.

The following example demonstrates the creation of a residual and a jacobian. The third and the fourth line specify the derivatives of the first residual (with array index 0) respectively to the variables mf0 and mf1.

values, jacobian = np.zeros(1, dtype=float), [{},]
values[0] = mf0 + mf1
jacobian[0]['mf0'] = 1
jacobian[0]['mf1'] = 1
return values, jacobian

funcsimplified update_state function


new update_state function


Wrapper for Component.update_state Wrapper that converts a function having as parameters terminal and state variable labels to a function taking arrays and conforming to the Component.update_state() signature. Often used as a decorator.

If the given function func returns two dictionaries, then it is assumed that the former contains the updated states and the latter the component jacobian. Else, if it returns only one dictionary, it is assumed that it contains the updated states, and FONSim will automatically estimate the jacobian using finite differences.

The following example demonstrates the creation of an updated state and a jacobian. The third and the fourth line specify the derivatives of the state m respectively to the variables p and mf.

jacobian = {}
m_new = m + dt * mf
jacobian['m/p'] = 0
jacobian['m/mf'] = dt
return {'m': m_new}, jacobian

funcsimplified update_state function


new update_state function

evaluate(values, jacobian_state, jacobian_arguments, state, arguments, elapsed_time)[source]

Evaluates the component internal equations. This method should be static.

Note: only evaluate left-hand side (LH) of equation, equation should be structured such that RH is always zero.

  • values – array where the equation residuals will be stored.

  • jacobian_state – array where the jacobian to the state will be stored.

  • jacobian_arguments – array where the jacobian to the arguments will be stored.

  • state – numerical values belonging to the state Variables.

  • arguments – numerical values belonging to the Variables.

  • elapsed_time – ? TODO.



get(variable_key, terminal_label=None)[source]

Same as method self.get_all, but returns only the first return value.

get_all(variable_key, terminal_label=None)[source]

Get simulation results. Supports ‘smart matching’ by comparing string distances.

  • variable_key – key of variable, e.g. ‘pressure’

  • terminal_label – label of terminal, e.g. ‘a’


Numpy ndarray object and Terminal object


Get simulation results. Supports ‘smart matching’ by comparing string distances.


label – state label, e.g. ‘volume’


Numpy ndarray object


Returns Terminal object. If no label given, returns the first unconnected terminal. If label given, returns terminal with that label. If no terminal found, returns None.


terminallabel – Label of terminal


Terminal object


Overwrite component arguments list with the provided Variable objects.


arguments – one or more Variable objects




Overwrite component states list with the provided Variable objects.


states – one or more Variable objects




Overwrite component terminals list with the provided Terminal objects and attach those terminals to the component.


terminals – one or more Terminal objects



update_state(state_new, jacobian, state, arguments, dt)[source]

Evaluates the update to the component state. This method should be static.

  • state_new – array where the new state values will be stored.

  • jacobian – array where the jacobian to the arguments will be stored.

  • state – numerical values belonging to the state Variables.

  • arguments – numerical values belonging to the Variables.

  • dt – time discretization timestep.



fonsim.core.node module

Class Node

2021, January 14

class fonsim.core.node.Node(*terminals)[source]

Bases: object

Connection between multiple component terminals


Connect terminals to the node


terminals – Terminal object. Multiple can be provided




Check if the node contains the requested terminal


terminal – Terminal object



get_variables(orientation=None, key=None)[source]

Get a list of all variables with the provided orientation and/or key associated with the node.

  • orientation – optional string specifying requested variable orientation

  • key – optional string specifying requested variable key


list of Variable objects


Connect all terminals from another node to this node


node – Node object



fonsim.core.setnumpythreads module

2022, June 04


fonsim.core.simulation module

Class Simulation

2020, July 22

class fonsim.core.simulation.Simulation(system_to_simulate, duration=10, step=(None, None), step_min=None, step_max=None, discretization='backward', relative_solving_tolerance=0.01, minimum_solving_tolerance=1e-10, go_backwards_allowed=True, max_steps=0, verbose=0)[source]

Bases: object

Class to convert network information (how the components are connected to each other) and component information (equations for each component) to a single non-linear system of equations (function vector + Jacobian) describing the whole system.

Solving this system is to be done by a solver. This object contains a solver object in the property self.solver. (Future functionality: possibility to select a solver manually etc.)

The parameter step controls the simulation timestep. It can be a scalar value, in which case the simulation timestep is constant, or a tuple, in which case the first and second elements denote the minimum and maximum timestep, and the solver will automatically adjust its timestep within this range. Elements of Nonetype are guessed by the solver based roughly on the following three rules:

  • satisfy max_steps

  • scale timestep with duration

  • step_min << step_max

  • do at least 1e2 steps such that time dependent references are sampled reasonably well

  • at least 1e4 steps possible, such that there are no visible discretization effects when full resulted viewed full screen

These rules are subject to change and therefore it is strongly recommended that the step parameter be fully specified once suitable values for the subject at hand have been found.

The parameter discretization sets the discretization method to be used by the solver. This parameter is passed to the solver and is not used otherwise in this class. The following discretization methods are available: backward (implicit/backward Euler), forward (explicit/forward Euler), and tustin (trapezoid). The default is backward because it gives the most stability and rarely shows time discretization jitter (triangles). However, tustin gives a smaller phase shift, and forward tends to be better at hiding modeling deficiencies.

The parameter minimum_solving_tolerance is used as an absolute lower bound for the allowed solving error. The default value of 1e-15 is close to machine precision when using 64-bit floating point.

The parameter relative_solving_tolerance expresses the allowed solving error for each argument relative to the observed value range of that argument. The default value of 1e-2 (= 1 %) is sufficient for most practical purposes given that the modelling error tends to be far larger.

The Class Solver interacts heavily with the System class and expects the following methods to be available:

  • evaluate_equations()

  • update_state()

  • equation_to_string()

as well as the following properties:

  • system

  • phi, H and A

  • arguments

  • nb_arguments and nb_network_equations

  • times and duration and verbose

  • phi_range

  • system_to_simulate – System object with components and how they are connected

  • duration – amount of time the system will be simulated for

  • step – time increment

  • step_minwill be deprecated, use `step` Minimum simulation timestep.

  • step_maxwill be deprecated, use `step` Maximum simulation timestep.

  • max_steps – maximum amount of time increments before the simulation is terminated prematurely. A value of 0 disables this behavior (default)

  • discretization – discretization method, ‘backward’, ‘forward’ or ‘tustin’

  • relative_solving_tolerance – Allowed solving error for an argument relative to the typical magnitude of that argument.

  • minimum_solving_tolerance – Minimum allowed solving error. Defaults to 1e-10 to avoid non-convergence warnings due to minor numerical inaccuracies.

  • go_backwards_allowed – Whether the solver is allowed to run on a simulation step that precedes the given step. Defaults to True but can be disabled to maintain compatibility with components that did work in older FONSim versions.

  • verbose

    level of information printed in the console during the simulation. All messages belonging to a level with a number lower than or equal to the provided parameter will be displayed, with the possible levels being:

    • -1: simulation start and end messages

    • 0 (default): simulation progress in % steps

    • 1: system matrices on iterations with bad convergence


Warns when number of equations doesn’t equal number of unknowns.




Return a string describing the equation with the provided index in a human-readable format. For a network equation, this string contains the involved variables and their coefficients. For a component equation, this string mentions the component label and the index of the equation in the list of equations of that particular component.


equation_index – index of the row in the simulation equation matrix corresponding to the desired equation

Return eq_str

string representing the equation

evaluate_equations(simstep, g, H, elapsed_time, dt, discretization, force_update_all_states=False)[source]

Evaluate component equations to obtain evaluated function vector (equation residuals) and jacobian. This method will call the method Component.evaluate() on each component. This method will also call the method Component.update_state() on each component.

The parameter discretization sets the discretization method. In case of forward Euler discretization, the component equations are evaluated with the arguments and state belonging to step simstep. The state is not touched. In case of backward Euler discretization, the component equations are evaluated with the arguments of simstep and the state propagated from simstep - 1 to simstep using the arguments of simstep. Finally, in the case of tustin discretization, the component equations are also evaluated with the arguments of simstep but the state is propagated from simstep - 1 to simstep using the mean of the arguments at simstep and at simstep + 1. In none of the cases the propagated state is written out.

By default, force_update_all_states is False, which forces component states that do not locally depend on any arguments (their derivative to all arguments equals zero) to remain constant within the inner loop iterations. This avoids the emergence of an additional mathematically correct, though physically incorrect, solution.

Note: This function does not evaluate (or update) the network equations (upper part of the jacobian ‘H’)!

  • simstep – simulation timestep index to start from

  • g – numpy ndarray for the evaluated function vector

  • H – numpy ndarray for the evaluated jacobian

  • elapsed_time – time elapsed

  • dt – timestep

  • discretization – discretization method, see above

  • force_update_all_states – whether to update all state values




Increase the size of the simulation memory without overwriting previous results. This deals with the same entities as described in the documentation of initialize_memory


nb_extra_steps – amount of time steps by which to increase the memory



fill_argument_tolerances(argument_tolerances, argument_tolerances_inv)[source]

Fills the given array argument_tolerances with the product of argument value range and the desired relative solving tolerance. Array argument_tolerances should be 1D and have length self.nb_arguments.

  • argument_tolerances – array to fill

  • argument_tolerances_inv – array to fill



fill_component_equation_tolerances(equation_tolerances, equation_tolerances_inv)[source]

Fills the given arrays with the equation tolerances for the component equations (all equations with index larger than self.nb_network_equations). The two array should be 1D and have at least length self.nb_network_equations + self.nb_component_equations. The second array is filled with the inverse of the first. The equation tolerances are derived by multiplying the Jacobian H with the argument (Variable) tolerances, aka by projecting argument space on the equation space, and then taking minimum nonzero absolute value of each row.

The bottom, component-part of the Jacobian H presents a linearization of the component equations for a particular argument vector. It is preferable that the equation tolerances are updated in every iteration of the Newton outer loop because components can switch from equations and the corresponding derivatives (and thus values in H) can vary greatly from iteration to iteration.

  • equation_tolerances – array to fill

  • equation_tolerances_inv – array to fill



fill_network_equation_tolerances(equation_tolerances, equation_tolerances_inv)[source]

Fills the given arrays with the equation tolerances for the network equations (first self.nb_network_equations equations). The two arrays should be 1D and have at least length self.nb_network_equations. The second array is filled with the inverse for the first. The nonzero network equations multipliers are 1 or -1, so the equation tolerance equals the minimum variable solving tolerance of that equation (row in Jacobian H).

  • equation_tolerances – array to fill

  • equation_tolerances_inv – array to fill




Fill the network matrix. The network matrix is constant over the simulation, at least supposing the network configuration does not change. It is thus sufficient to calculate it a single time.

There are two types of network equations, one for across variables and one for through variables. At each node, all across variables have to be equal. Thus for each node n-1 equations, n being the number of components attached to that node. Concerning the through variables, the sum of all through variables should be zero at each node, thus one equation for each node.


A – system Jacobian matrix, numpy ndarray n x n, n=len(phi)



fill_state_tolerances(state_tolerances, state_tolerances_inv)[source]

Fills the given array state_tolerances with the product of the state value range and the desired relative solving tolerance. Array state_tolerances should be 1D and have length self.nb_states.


state_tolerances – array to fill




Create some LUT-style lists and dicts so data can be moved around quickly in the simulation loop.




Initialize all arrays that will hold the simulation results through time. This includes - The vector with time values - Component argument and state histories (in Component class) - The simulation phi matrix with all arguments over time All previously stored results are overwritten. This method initializes the arrays with zeros and therefore does not use the initial_value attribute of the Variable objects.


nb_steps – estimated amount of time steps in the simulation




Send addresses of arguments over time to components, so one can get the data from the component without passing by the Simulation object. Furthermore, it avoids duplicating the data.


phi – numpy ndarray m x n with the argument vector over time (m = nb timesteps and n = nb arguments)




Send addresses of state over time to components, so one can get the data from the component without passing by the Simulation object. Furthermore, it avoids duplicating the data.


state – numpy ndarray m x n with the state vector over time (m = nb timesteps and n = nb states)




Print a human-readable representation of the full system of equations to the console.




Print table of column indices and the corresponding arguments


Print table of row indices and the corresponding components

resolve_timestep_argument(step, duration=1.0, max_steps=0)[source]

Run simulation, with the parameters specified previously.




Takes the initial values from the component argument Variable objects and writes them to the simulation memory (matrix ‘phi’).


step – simulation step at which to write the initial value




Takes the initial values from the component state Variable objects and writes them to the simulation memory (matrix ‘state’).


step – simulation step at which to write the initial value



slice_memory(start_step, end_step)[source]

Decrease the size of the simulation memory by taking a slice out of it. This deals with the same entities as described in the documentation of initialize_memory

# TODO update such that takes slice as argument

  • start_step – index of the first time step in the range to maintain

  • end_step – index of the first time step outside the range to maintain



update_state(simstep_args, simstep_state, dt, discretization)[source]

Propagate the state variables in all components from step simstep_state to simstep_state + 1 using the arguments (in self.phi) at step simstep_args. This method will call the method Component.update_state() on each component.

  • simstep_args – Simulation timestep index to read arguments at.

  • simstep_state – Simulation timestep index to read states at (they are then written to the next step).

  • dt – timestep

  • discretization – discretization method



fonsim.core.solver module

Classes with available solvers

A solver takes care of solving the (non-linear) system of equations generated by the Simulation object. This object can interact with the Simulation object.

The Simulation class expects the following methods from the solver object:

  • get_nb_steps_estimate()

  • run_step(simulation_step_index)

Current solvers:
  1. solver.NewtonConstantTimeStep

  2. solver.NewtonAdaptiveTimeStep02

2020, July 23

class fonsim.core.solver.BaseNewton(simulation, supported_discretization_methods, discretization)[source]

Bases: object

Base class designed to ease creating new solvers by providing common solver functionality such as the Newton solver for solving systems of nonlinear equations.

The discretization method is set with the parameter discretization. The solver always solves the arguments for the selected timestep (in the method run_step), and the solving is always done with the state values of that timestep, however the handling of the state differs. Most of the solvers in FONSim support several of the following three discretization methods (specified as a string):

  • forward: propagates the state to the next step.

  • backward: propagates the state from the previous to the current step with the arguments of the current step

  • tustin: propagates the state from the previous to the current step with the mean of the arguments of the previous and the current step

  • simulation – Simulation object

  • supported_discretization_methods – the discretization methods the inherited class supports, must be set by child class

  • discretization – see above

apply_solver_bias(bias=1e-12, step=0, quasirandom=False)[source]

Give elements in the solution vector a small positive value, to ease starting the simulation

If quasirandom=True, the assigned biases come from a random number generator initialized with a constant seed (i.e. the bias array is the same on each method call).

  • bias – bias value added to the solution vector entries

  • step – simulation step for which this bias is applied

  • quasirandom – whether to vary bias values




simstep – simulation step at which variables are queried


np array with the values of all arguments and component states at the desired simulation step

get_residual(simstep, res=None, dt=None, discretization=None)[source]

Evaluate the simulation system of equations at the provided timestep to get the residual vector. See the related method Simulation.evaluate_equations() for more documentation, as most arguments are passed to that method unmodified.

  • simstep – index of simulation timestep at which the system of equations is evaluated

  • res – optional initialized residual vector that will be overwritten by this function in place

  • dt – timestep

  • discretization – discretization method, gets passed to Simulation.evaluate_equations()


evaluated residual vector

newton_solver(step, iterations=100, alpha=1.0, discretization=None)[source]

Newton method for solving the system equations and storing the solution in the simulation phi vector at an time step

  • step – step index for which the system will be solved and the solution will be stored. The initialization for the solver can be done externally by setting self.sim.phi[step] to the initial guess

  • iterations – maximum number of newton solver iterations. 100 (default) gives good results although it often converges in one step and otherwise mostly in less than ten

  • alpha – correction constant for damped Newton method

  • discretization – discretization method, gets passed to solver.BaseNewton.get_residual()


flag indicating exit status of the solver for this step:

  • 0: maximum amount of iterations reached without convergence

  • 1: solver converged quickly

  • 2: solver converged slowly


Print a report on the solver status at a certain simulation time step.


simstep – index of simulation timestep for which the report is generated




Run forward solver on a single step

class fonsim.core.solver.NewtonAdaptiveTimeStep02(simulation, step, discretization)[source]

Bases: BaseNewton

Supported discretization methods: ‘backward’ and ‘tustin’. ‘forward’ is not yet supported.

Please see base class for more information.

  • simulation – Simulation object

  • step – minimum and maximum time increment

  • discretization – discretization method


number of timesteps the solver needs

run_step(simstep, recursion_allowed=True)[source]

Run a single step of the solver.

  • simstep – index of simulation timestep with the last results

  • recursion_allowed – whether it may call itself



class fonsim.core.solver.NewtonConstantTimeStep(simulation, step, discretization)[source]

Bases: BaseNewton

Supported discretization methods: ‘forward’, ‘backward’ and ‘tustin’.

Please see the base class for more information.

  • simulation – Simulation object

  • step – fixed time increment

  • discretization – discretization method


number of timesteps the solver needs


Run a single step of the solver. Depending on the selected discretization (self.discretization), different timestep indices are used and affected (please see class doc).


simstep – index of simulation timestep with the last results



fonsim.core.system module

Class System

2020, July 22

class fonsim.core.system.System(label=None)[source]

Bases: object

A System is a collection of interconnected components. It contains the Component objects and keeps track of how they are connected to each other. A System with components is created by first creating the System object, then adding components to this object and finally connecting these components to each other.


label – Label of the system, optional and currently not important.


Add components to the system.


components – Component object(s) to be added to the system




Connect two or more components together by connecting their terminals. In case terminals are not specified directly, the Component objects decide on which of their terminals to connect. The connections are made in sequential pairs using the method System.connect_two_components which in turn uses the method self.connect_two_terminals.

The components and/or terminals to connect should be as specified in the method System.get_component_and_terminal.

For instead connecting all components to a common Node, use the method System.connect_common.


args – component terminals




Connect two or more component terminals together. In case terminals are not specified directly, the Component objects decide on which of their terminals to connect. All Terminals are connected to each other, aka to a common Node. Making the connection is handled with the method self.connect_two_terminals.

The components and/or terminals to connect should be as specified in the method System.get_component_and_terminal.

For instead making sequential connections, use the method System.connect.


args – component terminals



connect_two_components(component_a, component_b)[source]

Connect two Components to each other. The connection is made using the method self.connect_two_terminals.

The component arguments component_a and component_b can be as specified in the method System.get_component_and_terminal.

  • component_a – First component, see description

  • component_b – Second component, see description



connect_two_terminals(terminal_a, terminal_b)[source]

Connect two system terminals together in a Node. These nodes exist for the workings of the solver and have nothing to do with any nodes in the fluidic networks being simulated.

  • terminal_a – Terminal object

  • terminal_b – Terminal object




component_label – Label of the desired component.


Component object with the given label.


Get a pair of a Component and a Terminal given an argument arg. This argument can be:

  • a string specifying a component label present in the system

  • a Component object

  • a Terminal object

  • a Tuple with first the component label and then the terminal label as strings

If multiple choices are available, this method may make an undefined choice.


arg – see desription


Component object, Terminal object


Get a message describing the connectivity of the system in case not every component is connected together.


message string

fonsim.core.terminal module

Class Terminal

2020, July 22

class fonsim.core.terminal.Terminal(label, variables, variable_labels={})[source]

Bases: object

Component connection point with local through and across variables.

Note: In any particular Terminal object, there cannot be more than one variable with the same key.

  • label – Label to refer to the Terminal later on. Free to choose.

  • variables – Variable objects that will belong to the Terminal.


Return the variable object attached to the terminal with the provided key, for example ‘pressure’. If there is no variable with the requested key, None is returned.


key – key of the variable to return

Return variable

attached variable with the matching key


Get list of all terminal variables with the given orientation. The orientation can be either “through” or “across”. If not provided or None, all variables regardless of orientation are returned


orientation – optional string specifying desired variable orientation


list of Variable objects

fonsim.core.variable module

Class Variable

2020, July 21

class fonsim.core.variable.Variable(key, orientation, terminal=None, label='None', initial_value=0.0, range=(-inf, inf))[source]

Bases: object

A Variable object is used to denote the presence of a yet unknown numerical value. For each Variable object, the solver will search for the optimal numerical values over time. The solver does so by solving the system of equations that connect these variables together. The variables are connected by each other by connecting the Terminal objects that contain the values to each other.

The parameter ‘key’ indicates the type label. Only Variable objects with the same type label can exchange information.

The parameter ‘orientation’ should have value ‘across’ or ‘through’ or ‘free’. ‘across’ indicates that the value of the Variable will be shared with the Variable belonging to the other Terminal while ‘through’ indicates that its negative will be shared. The former is typically used with nondirectional values, such as pressure, while the latter is typically used with directional values, such as a massflow. ‘local’ indicates that it will not be shared (feature WIP).

  • key – type label, e.g. ‘pressure’, ‘massflow’

  • orientation – ‘across’, ‘through’ or ‘free’.

  • terminal – Terminal object to which Variable object get connected, default: None

  • label – label, used to refer to a Variable instance later on

  • initial_value – Initial value, default: 0

  • range – tuple with min and max of allowed value range


Return a copy of the variable object attached to a given terminal. The returned variable has the same key, orientation and initial value but is otherwise unrelated to the Variable object it is called upon.


terminal – Terminal object to attach the variable copy to

Return variable

attached copy of the variable object


Return a short string describing the variable more as a symbol than in words. This string contains the first n letters of the variable name as well as (if applicable) the port and component it is attached to.


nb_var_chars – number of characters with which the variable key is abbreviated. Set to 0 to avoid abbreviation.

Return var_str

short string representing the variable

Module contents

2020, September 17