Release log

Upcoming releases

0.3b: Spring 2023

The first beta release!

  • Introduce the vastly improved solver. Currently (January 2023) resolving some minor issues and adding tests.

Previous releases

0.2a: 2023, February 04

The second release of FONSim focuses on cleaning up the codebase, improving documentation to make the codebase attractive to new users, and the introduction of the autocall and autodiff functionality.

  • Introduce autocall: in component definition, reference variables and states by their label, removing the requirement to work with arrays and indices.

  • Introduce autodiff: in component definition, calculate derivatives automatically using numerical differentiation, removing the requirement to specify them manually.

  • Introduce more than 100 tests (PyTest framework) covering most of FONSim’s codebase.

  • Documentation (tutorials + formal codedoc) on readthedocs (went online spring 2022).

  • Many bugfixes and code, UI and documentation improvements. Some breaking changes were made.

0.1a5: 2021, March 24

Initial release of FONSim on PyPI.